Saturday, January 29, 2011

Failing at Life: Milan

Sorry I haven't really blogged in a while. I'm not a huge fan of this/really lazy, but I will try to get better. Not much has happened since my last blog. We had another cooking class with this woman who was actually 4' 3". I'm not joking, she also had loads of cats, but I'm over it. The night life is getting a little slow around here, we are trying to search for other places to rage. That is a little hard when Verona shuts down at 8PM every night. We did find this dance bar called Time Out and it is hysterical. THey bump house music and techno all night and we all lose our freaking minds. My neck hurt for 2 days after Monday, I'm not kidding. But basically my next blog is dedicated to Milan: the trip that never happened. Here we go...

We've had this Milan trip booked for a few weeks now. It wasn't exactly on my top list of places to go, but a bunch of people were going and so I figured why not? I have to take the train to Milan all the time because most of our flights fly out of there so it would be good to know where to go. Some girls in our group decided to take it upon themselves to book everyone's hostel for them. I thought that was a nice gesture, until I heard about the hostel.

They did not look at ratings. If they had, they would have seen that it was a 58/100 and had 2 stars. RED FLAG RIGHT THERE. but maybe not everyone has common sense.

I had a bad feeling about this trip the minute I woke up on Friday. But there were a lot of people going so I figured at least we are all in this together. The train ride goes smoothly. We get off at the station, and we realize that we are in a slightly shady area. But oh well, we are in Milan! I was so excited to go out, we had been looking at clubs on the train and they sounded sick. But first we had to get to our hosel. We figured out that it was about a 25 minute walk from the station, so we started walking. The gps we were using took us to an ALLEY. yes and ALLEY. and the hostel was in the ALLEY. oh my dear god. We walk into this jank place and the girls who booked it go in to check us in. BUT OH WAIT. WE WERE SUPPOSED TO CHECK IN AT 5AM NOT 5PM. It was 5:45PM at this point, mind you. AWESOME, we are stranded in the ghetto of Milan with no place to stay because this WINNER of a hostel gave our rooms away. At this point I am ready to head  right back to Verona, but people wanted to see if there was anything else. A group of us decided to look into hotels, but everything was booked. The ghetto hostel gave us the name of another ghetto hostel and said it was "nice and close to the city life" GOOD JOKE BUDDY. I refused to go to this hostel. It was no better than this 2 star place and was the same distance from the city but just in a different direction. NO NO AND HELL NO.

Finally after a lot of wandering and complaining, our group split. Me and 6 other people were so over being in Milan, so we decided to drop like 50 euro each on dinner and call it a night. We show up at this 5 star restaurant looking like HELL with all our bags on us. The waiters thought we were insane but seated us and brought us plate after plate of food and bottles of wine. After i spent 40 euro on dinner and was sufficiently drunk, we hopped back on the train and headed home to Verona.

Milan, we may never meet again.
Next trip, Berlin.....

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